| 1. | The preacher grapples with his text, wasting no effort in wooing the audience . 传教士紧紧抓住经文,尽力说服听众。 |
| 2. | Many investigators had grapple with the problem, usually with poor results . 许多研究人员曾设法解决这个问题,但是往往没有好结果。 |
| 3. | He had weight and might be expected to grapple with a disease and throw it . 他威风凛凛,看样子就是一个可以与疾病博斗,把它制服的勇士。 |
| 4. | She pushed the thought firmly back into her mind and grappled with the more pressing emergency . 她极力把这种想法压在心里以求解决目前更加紧急的问题。 |
| 5. | This was the context in which the united states attempted to grapple with the dynamics of the soviet system . 这就是美国试图同苏维埃制度的原动力搏斗的来龙去脉。 |
| 6. | I had waited for years for the chance to grapple with the penetration problem, and i felt few scruples . 查清被间谍渗透的问题,是我等候多年的机会,我没有什么可顾忌的。 |
| 7. | I slept sound and awoke refreshed, and had no feelings except appetite to grapple with whatever the morning's boxes might bring . 我睡得很香,醒来神志清爽,没有什么不适感觉,胃口很好,把早上送来的早点盒里的东西,不管什么全狼吞虎咽吃掉。 |
| 8. | The soldiers grappled with the enemy at close quarters 士兵短兵相接地同敌人格斗 |
| 9. | She grappled with her assailant but he got away 她与袭击者扭打而他却逃走了 |
| 10. | The soldiers grappled with the enemy at close quarters 士兵短兵相接地同敌人格斗。 |